Borrow Interest Rate

Regarding the issue of whether to charge loan interest, we have gone through a lot of analysis and evaluation, and also referred to the practices of most decentralized stablecoins in the market. In consideration of the stability and development of the agreement, we made a decision to charge a certain amount of interest. Of course, this interest rate is very low most of the time.

Before understanding the interest rate model, you need to understand the nouns:

  • MCR = Minimum Collateral Ratio

  • ICR = Individual Collateral Ratio

  • TCR = Total Collateral Ratio

  • CCR = Critical Collateral Ratio

  • OCR = Optimal Collateral Ratio

Interest Rate Model

We hope that the the total system collateral ratio will remain within a reasonable range, because we have introduced OCR, namely Optimal Collateral Ratio. Under normal circumstances, the borrowing rate will remain at a very low level, but once the system's mortgage rate exceeds the OCR, it will increase sharply.

In the borrow rate technical implementation, the calculateCompoundedInterest method relies on an approximation that mostly affects high interest rates. The resulting actual borrow rate can is:

Model Parameters

For the attributes of LSDs collateral and based on the above formula, we calculate the following data and set as the parameter:

OCR = 200%

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