Stage 1
Audit: Enlist 3-4 auditing firms to review the system's security.
V1 Mainnet Launch: Deploy the initial version on the mainnet.
Stage 2
Dex Listing: List on exchanges like Curve, Uni, and Balancer.
Liquidity Protocol Applicable: Integrate with Aave's lending/borrowing system.
L1 to L2: Expand from L1 to L2 and include in GLP (GMX’s LP token) assets.
Stage 3
Audit of V2 version: Enlist 4-5 auditing firms to review the system's security.
V2 Mainnet launch: Deploy the updated V2 on the mainnet.
Introduce multiple collaterals: Add collateral support for blue-chip ERC-20 tokens like WBTC, LINK, and UNI.
Stage 4
Off-chain applications: Develop off-chain tools to expand product use.
Withdrawal: Expand withdrawal methods to users' preferred wallets or exchanges.
Deposits: Introduce deposit channels using both fiat and cryptocurrencies
Last updated